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Alucinarás con la originalidad de estas barbas y bigotes

Alucinarás con la originalidad de estas barbas y bigotes

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El pasado 3 de septiembre se celebró en Nashville, Tennesee en Estados Unidos una original competición nacional sobre bigotes y barbas. Aunque principalmente el concurso está pensado para los amantes de las barbas y los bigotes de américa, invitan a todos los barbudos del mundo a participar. Hay hasta 18 categorías distintas para participar. Esta edición de 2016 nos ha mostrado barbas y bigotes de lo más peculiares. Aquí podéis ver una pequeña selección de las mejores barbas de este año. 1-  Barba Pájaro [caption id="attachment_29719" align="alignnone" width="719"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 2 - Bigote/barba cornamenta [caption id="attachment_29720" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 3- Bigote y barba pop [caption id="attachment_29721" align="alignnone" width="719"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 4-Barba  y bigote tradicional [caption id="attachment_29722" align="alignnone" width="719"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 5- Bigote explorador [caption id="attachment_29723" align="alignnone" width="621"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 6-  Barba ornamental [caption id="attachment_29724" align="alignnone" width="625"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 7- Las barbas clásicas siempre están de moda [caption id="attachment_29725" align="alignnone" width="719"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 8- Barba circular [caption id="attachment_29726" align="alignnone" width="649"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 9- Barba caracol [caption id="attachment_29727" align="alignnone" width="653"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 10- Homenaje bigotudo a Dalí [caption id="attachment_29728" align="alignnone" width="644"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 11- Barba estrella [caption id="attachment_29729" align="alignnone" width="640"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 12- Barba pulpo [caption id="attachment_29730" align="alignnone" width="637"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 13- Bigote degradado [caption id="attachment_29731" align="alignnone" width="647"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 14- La barba pirata, es la barba mejor [caption id="attachment_29732" align="alignnone" width="649"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption] 15 - "Pesadilla antes de... la barba" [caption id="attachment_29733" align="alignnone" width="647"]
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National Beard and Moustache Championships[/caption]

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